Business Planning the 100 Day Plan for 2024 Part 3
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Let’s quickly recap. The 100-day plan serves as an efficient tool to restructure or realign your business. In Part 1, you crafted a Vision document to delineate what a well-functioning business looks like.
In Part 2, we simplified solutions by identifying two or three top priorities from your vision goals. And named solutions needed to achieve them. It wasn’t required to know the details of those solutions yet. The focus was on the “what,” not the “how.”

Moving on to Execution: The "How-To" Solutions

Now it’s time to outline the “how” – the action steps for your plan. Here is an effective framework:

Know or Not-Know

Essentially, all the action plans fall into two categories:
  • Actions you know how to execute
  • Actions you’re unclear about
A smaller third category might be a mix of both, where you know some steps but might lack certain skills.

Implementing the Action Plan System

Follow these steps for each “Solution” you pinpointed in Part 2:
  • Decide whether you’re confident about the action steps needed. If yes:
    • Draft a sequential list of these steps.
    • Assign a responsible party and a deadline for each step.
  • If you’re unsure about how to proceed:
    • Create a list of steps to:
      • Delegate or outsource the task.
      • Get help from others
      • Assess feasibility
    • Again, assign each task to someone and set deadlines.
This keeps you in control. If the path is clear, execute. If not, get clarity first.
With focus and discipline, your 100-day plan can transform your business. The vision and solutions provide direction. The detailed actions empower implementation. Adjust as needed, but maintain momentum.
With this achievable structure, your organization can adapt to current challenges. Within 100 days, you’ll be set up for success.
Let me know if you have any other questions! Constructing an effective plan is always the first step.
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